Apophyllite and Feeding the Inner Child
June 4, 2019 9:30 am
Here at Coon’s, we regularly utilize the tremendous amount of crystals in our shop. We are blessed to be in such a magical powerhouse of activity, in the heart of historic Salem, Massachusetts. One crystal that has caught our eye recently is Apophyllite.
It is no coincidence we are currently drawn to this, as it is associated with the “inner child”. We are transitioning into summertime at the moment- the child’s favorite season. It is a welcomed break from the school year, and a care-free time of freedom and exploration. Our inner child is ready to play!
This crystal works to apply a child-like point of view to your situation; In times of stress, worry, or fear, we can call upon this stone to stop us from taking everything so seriously! The child’s gift is that they are free. Children don’t need to worry about mortgages, paychecks, relationships, deadlines- they live in the moment, from a place of freedom. We could take a lesson or two from them.
Another way to utilize the healing power of the inner-child, is by tapping into that energy that we are told to suppress as we grow older. When’s the last time you jumped in a puddle, or sat on a swing set? The inner-child must be fed regularly, or we will begin to lash out in ways we may not realize. We can become easily frustrated, overwhelmed, depressed, upset, cynical, or anxious when we are all work and no play.
Apophyllite amplifies lightness, joy, and spontaneity. Carrying this crystal with you throughout your day reminds you to embrace these qualities, helping you stay a little less serious as life throws those curveballs at you. You may also choose to meditate with your crystal in a sacred space. During this time you can reflect, and ask yourself questions, such as:
-What am I taking too seriously?
-When was the last time I really had fun?
-How am I restricting myself?
-What would my childhood self think of my life today?
Pondering upon these thoughts in the presence of your apophyllite will help you reach closer to the source & look at your answers more objectively, kickstarting the healing & growing process. We are conditioned as humans to associate adulthood with hard work, seriousness, labor, and cynicism, to name a few. How many times have we been told to “grow up” when we were having fun? Being a whole hearted, happy person requires loving all parts of yourself, including the inner-child.
You can shop our apophyllite pieces, as well as all of other crystals in-store and online! We are lucky enough to have centuries of Salem’s magical, historic energy surrounding all of our crystals, which we believe adds a little extra magic ✨
Categorised in: Crystals